Monday, June 3, 2013

The Importance of Breakfast


Breakfast is the first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work. Breakfast is very important to fullfill nutrient need in the day. In citizen, mostly peoples don’t take it as a priority in his/her morning. With many reason he/she making argument. It’s happened not only in rural area, but also in city. Breakfast is important, but many peoples think that it nonsense. Even, in rural area, the peoples whose take a breakfast regulary assumed as a hunger peoples. It's mean that breakfast have negative stereotipe in few community.

Why breakfast is very important?. It's not only because the contribution of breakfast to make us  became unhunger, but also because breakfast have very high benefit for our body. Firstly, regularly breakfast may increasing our IQ. While we regulary breakfast and doing something focusly, it's make our brain usual to work clearly and automatically increasing our IQ. It's mean that breakfast have big contribution to creat a smart generation.
Second, breakfast train us to be more dicipline. If we unusual take a breakfast regularly, and than we try to strart this good habit, it's need our big effort to dicipline our self. So, we can to be dicipline starting from breakfast.
Third, breakfast decreasing the risk of obesity. If we not take breakfast in the morning, then we get hunger, it's make us want to eat. But usually we take a food without think the nutrient content because of the hunger. Then the effect appear, one is obesity. It caused by high fat/oil content in many food, for example is snack. Do you like become big? if the answer is no, let's take breakfast!.

Then, breakfast also decreasing the cardiovascular disease risk. It's the same cause with obesity. The fast food, snack and etc containing high colesterol and affected to our blood pressure. It's may increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. 
Breakfast also decreasing the risk of cancer. The fast food especially in street vendors often cooked with waste material. For example, he/she use the waste fried oil for few time. It's increasing the risk of cancer disease.
The last but not less, Take breakfast regularly may also increasing our longevity. If many reasons of diseases avoided. It's will automatically increasing our life period. So, let's starting breakfast now to get our long life periode.
There are many reasons why the peoples not get breakfast regularly. The mostly peoples said that she/he unhunger in the morning so she/he not breakfast. The other said that she/he too busy for prepare breakfast. Then, the other reasons are because breakfast make she/he sleepy, feel bad and it's unusual habit.
To solve the problem for not doing breakfast, there are few tips that need to applied. First, don't ever eat so much at night because it can make us unhunger in the morning. Then, if you busy for preparing breakfast, let's prepare simple food for your breakfast, and may also preparing breakfast in the night. But if your reason is sleepy after breakfast, please don't ever eat resistant starch so much. And the last, starting breakfast regularly from now, don't ever delay it!.
In the conclusion, I underlining that breakfast is very important to maintaining our health. So, let's doing breakfast now if you want to get health life and longevity. Start your morning with breakfast, same as start your life to health.

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